Saturday, August 7, 2010

August 2010...end of the coop term

August is the end of my coop at Altagas and I am quite comfortable in my assigned job. next week I am going to finish my 13th month adjustment on two property that i was working on. we are going to discuss on our meeting regarding that. i have received feedback on my work like -- you are flying and iam surprised that you have finished all. I am pleased that i became an asset for the company rather then a liability. what i have learned at Altagas gona help me a lot in my career path and had a great work experience in this short work term of three months.

my supervisior is going on vacation during my last month at the company and i have to work on to meet the deadlines and I hope I will be able to do it with all my skills and knowledge that I acquired during last two month.

July 2010...continuous learning and implementing skills

July was my second month and I was bit conscious about how I am going to do in this month as per meeting deadlines. First of all we do expense and accurals in threedays, and I had to finish the revenue accurals in that time perid. I was surprised that I finished that in only one ad half day. I was preety good at my work without missing deadlines plus finishing some other stuff with less priority too.

I have finished the thirteen month adjustment for one property that Altagas does for each of their property. what Altagas does is they charge higher rates to their customer and at the end of the year they calculate the actual rate and adjust the actual vs. what they had charged throughout the year. i was having fun doing this and I have already strted working on another property which is avery critical one for which I have to to review the contract of each costomer and calculate the actual rate so that the commercial folk can negotiate on the rate.

my supervisior went to the rainbow lake for site visit for three days in july which was a very crutial period for me to work with out supervision and I survived. Thank God.