Saturday, August 7, 2010

August 2010...end of the coop term

August is the end of my coop at Altagas and I am quite comfortable in my assigned job. next week I am going to finish my 13th month adjustment on two property that i was working on. we are going to discuss on our meeting regarding that. i have received feedback on my work like -- you are flying and iam surprised that you have finished all. I am pleased that i became an asset for the company rather then a liability. what i have learned at Altagas gona help me a lot in my career path and had a great work experience in this short work term of three months.

my supervisior is going on vacation during my last month at the company and i have to work on to meet the deadlines and I hope I will be able to do it with all my skills and knowledge that I acquired during last two month.

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